lawn mowing simulator arrives on playstation formats!
Welcome fans of lawns, strimming and most importantly, ride on mower enthusiasts! We’ve got some exciting news for you, Lawn Mowing Simulator arrives on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 today!

Experience the beauty and detail of mowing the Great British countryside in Lawn Mowing Simulator, the only simulator that allows you to ride an authentic and expansive roster of real-world licensed lawn mowers from prestigious manufacturers; Toro, SCAG and STIGA as you manage your mowing business. Prepare to execute detailed ground checks, set your blades to the right height for the right job; and ensure your grass collector doesn’t overflow while enjoying the scenic backdrop of cottage greens, large equestrian fields and castle grounds. Find us here on the PlayStation Store.

We can’t wait for PlayStation fans to hop on their new favourite ride-on mower, so please feel free to reach out on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and let us know your thoughts. One last thing before we go. Live now for Steam and Xbox users, our new update for LMS is available now! You can enjoy new contract gameplay across three new locations on Coville Street! Also, we’ve listened to the community and have included a few fixes, a list of which can be found here.
Alternatively, if you’re looking to come work with us, you can find all of our job opportunities by clicking this link right here.