Introducing, Quick Mow on Nintendo Switch!

A Brand-New Platform Specific Feature for Lawn Mowing Simulator on Nintendo Switch!

Have you ever wanted to jump straight into the sense of zen with Lawn Mowing Simulator and skip the ‘running your business’ part? We thought the same too and that’s why Quick Mow was created! An all-new feature specifically created for the Nintendo Switch platform in which you’ll have one zen of a time!

This new game mode can be found in the main menu so you can head straight in and get mowing. You don’t need to worry about setting up your lawn care business or even turf damage impacting your career progression!

How Does Quick Mow Work?

After selecting Quick Mow in the main menu, you can take either a Small Contract or Large Contract. Once you’ve chosen a contract, you’ll be given a random location and a random set of equipment (which will be applicable to the contract) to complete the job with, the rest is up to you!

Whether you ace the contract or not, your work will not have any impact on your in-game career progression. Think of this as your lawncare playground, training area, whatever you’d like!

Lawn Mowing Simulator for Nintendo Switch is available to pre-order now! Available on cartridge as well as digital download!

You can stay up to date with all the latest about Skyhook Games & Lawn Mowing Simulator via our X, Instagram and Facebook pages.

If you’re interested in learning more about this release, click here to read our announcement article!